Sunday, January 1, 2017


Wow.... 2017. I cannot believe you are here, welcome at last! A new year full of opportunities, adventures, and memories await us ladies! As I reflect back on 2016 at all the lessons learned, the growth made, and the goals achieved... I feel a great sense of gratitude and fulfillment for this past year.

However, I know for some of us that wasn't the case. 2016 was a hard year for a lot of families and individuals. Maybe you suffered a hard loss, or were faced with difficult challenges and situations. Sure, you learned some valuable lessons and gained personal strength and growth from those lessons. However, it doesn't make them any easier to swallow or accept.

 If this was how 2016 ended up being for you, I want you to view 2017 like a tidal wave....have you heard this analogy? It is by far one of my favorites and I refer to it often when things aren't going my way.....follow along with me:

 Picture yourself standing in the ocean... the tide goes out and all you see is the ocean floor, the sand your feet have sunk into, and the water going farther and farther away.....this is 2016, all that has happened within those 365 days. Think about that for a moment, release all of the tension, negativity and losses of the past year. Let it roll away with the tide.

Now, I want you to re-frame, change your mindset, and shift your thinking to the new opportunities and goals that 2017 has to offer you. Look back out to the ocean....what's coming in? The tide goes out and then, just like that, you see it...massive abundance! The water comes rushing back in and all is fulfilled again! This is 2017 rushing in FULL OF ABUNDANCE for you and your loved ones, to refresh and renew you. To re-inspire you and let you know that you are not finished yet. Life has so much more to bless you with!

 The beauty in life are these highs and lows, they are inevitable. We cannot control them or run from them. However, what we can control is our outlook, attitude and mindset. If you can master these three things, the lows will no longer be viewed as lows, but instead as an opportunity to raise your standards. As a chance to grow into the person you are striving to be. The highs will be viewed as blessings and a time of gratitude, a time to plan your next few steps toward your goal or development of your higher self.

 Welcome to 2017 my fellow Cowgirls and Homemakers. Let's set our mindset to a higher level and our attitude to a better frequency. Let's own this year and give it all that we have got!

I believe in you and I believe in this year.

1 comment:

  1. Love this post Loagan. Such a beautiful blog. I bought a couple of your items for my step daughters for their birthdays and they loved it! Have a great 2017!
