Sunday, June 9, 2013


Hey fellow Cowgirls and Homemakers!

 After a fun filled week of vacation, we are back to our daily routine with a bunch of fun memories to enjoy until next vacation. We did so much this week, from The Farm Chicks Show to meeting my new little sister to visiting friends and family and back home for a few days of "stay-cation" exploring local towns and butchering our home raised meat chickens...I am so excited to share it all with you!

So let's get started with road trip stop #1: The Wild Horse Monument in Eastern Washington.

 Darren and I pulled off I-90 on our way to the Farm Chicks Show to take a peek at the wild horse statues along the ridge of the mountain overlooking the Columbia River. These Statues were put there in 1989 for WA. State's Centennial Celebration by a local Spokane Artist.

We of course didn't want to miss the photo opportunity so we hiked up the steep and rocky hillside to get a closer look....

Me hiking and out of breath....


This was not very comfortable or safe by the way! hehe!

Each statue was life size and so well done, from several angles it appeared as if the herd  had come to life  and if you closed your eyes and imagined it, you could hear the sounds of hooves galloping with them.

Ride 'Em Cowboy!

"Look Ma! No hands!!"

There was a great view of the Columbia River from up there

1st timer pic!!

Road Trip Stop #2: THE FARM CHICKS SHOW!!!! We finally made it at about 11 am and I was sooo excited to get going and start rummaging through all the fun junk inside! Darren took all the pics as I was far to busy shopping, He did an excellent job I must say, and in case you were wondering, I did not drag him through all the torture, he willingly and happily promised and fulfilled his promise by taking me to the Farm Chicks Show....I am one Blessed woman I tell you!!!
I just had to buy one of these for my horse trailer , way to cute to pass up!

These are either hand knit or hand crotchet chickens...can't remember exactly but they are darling!! Someone worked hard on these!
At the Farm Chicks Booth buying souvenirs for Mama and me
Vintage Dairy bottles

Adorable homemade tags

We saw a lot of these cute vintage Tonka trucks

Cupcake Candles, love the metallic wrappers!


Well said, Well said.

These cute tags were attached to the coffee mugs for sale....I just had to buy one!!

Farm Chick Pendants

These truck grills were very popular, this would look awesome as a wall mount in the living room!

Also popular, every single one we saw already had sold tags on them!

The Farm Chicks Show's front entry display, fun!!

Loved this! I should have bought it, but I was glad I had SOME  self control, haha!

Vintage suitcase with these darling pics and phrases

The talent from all the vendors there was amazing! I felt so inspired to come home and continue on my homemade projects in the works.

To top it all off, we ran into one of my Mama's friends, Jimmie, there! I had never met her, but had heard alot about her from Mama, as she lives in Canada not to far from me. She spotted me in the crowd and asked if I was Elizabeth's daughter....such a small world! After a quick chat and swapping travel time stories (She won, about 10 hours on the road!!) all of us went to more rummaging and shopping! It was so nice to meet her finally! since Mama couldn't make it I called her to fill her in on all the hustle and bustle of the The Farm Chicks Show....

  We had a great time and plan to do it again next year! So many talented vendors and people there, I was truly amazed at the creativity. To think it all started by two friends who looked for the beauty and potential of goodies and antiques found in old barns that had been left behind to disappear in History. I have both of the Farm Chicks books and enjoy them regularly, If you haven't yet, treat yourself to at least one, their story is so cool and fun to read. You deserve it!

Well that wraps up Part One of our road trip, tune back in next week for part Two! This Homemakin' Cowgirl is off to feed the animals and get ready for a great week at work!

God bless you all and remember to take care of yourself and treat yourself how you want to be negative thoughts or self are loved and you are beautiful inside and out!

Happy Trails!!

So many cute things, so little time!


  1. Wow, I thought for sure I commented on this one! I LOVE that you guys climbed up and took all the pictures on the horses! We lived in Spokane for a few years (1995-1997 or so) and drove to the Seattle area to visit family all the time. I remember seeing those horses. We even stopped a few times, but with 2 little kids never made the climb up there.

    I have always wanted to go to a Farm Chicks show. How fun you ran into Jimi!!

  2. Thanks Monica...It was a long hike, I was out of breath halfway up, haha! If you ever get the chance, the Farm Chicks Show is a must see on any girl's bucket list :)Thanks for reading my post!
